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Old August 27, 2010   #33
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Posts: 190

First of all let me apologize. I never intended to offend anyone. I feel REALLY misunderstood. I agree, it is wrong to use something that belongs to someone without their permission. I was just TRYING TO SAY that one should never be presumptuous about someone's intent. The key word there being INTENT, which everyone that commented seemed to point to knowing what the guys intentions were and that he was dishonest. Perhaps someone should offer to help correct this guys errors? He might need the income and be a decent person that just needed a little positive direction. I wouldn't want my pics used without permission either, but it might just be lack of knowledge about things like that. Maybe not. Once again, I don't know his intentions.

And yes, again I agree, it does not help someone's reputation when they do something like that. I was not really trying to defend the seed seller in question. Words like "cheating" and "steal" and "thief" and "stolen" are pretty harsh without knowing someone in person. Before anyone goes off being indignant and angry they should just slow down and state the facts without using words like that. "Using pictures without permission" sounds much better than "stealing". I have also had pictures used without permission and I know that it is upsetting. However, the proper businesslike way to handle this would have been for the injured parties to have contacted the seller and not have this played out in a public forum.

Why is everyone on internet forums so eager to get bent out of shape with someone? How can so many people be so angry all the time? I don't feel like I attacked anyone and again, I apologize if it was taken that way. I had no intention of pulling anyone's tail or any other appendage. The point I was trying to make was to be kind to people. Kindness and professionalism always have better results than anger, insults and accusations.

By the way, this is not new. I have been looking at that same kid with a bushel gourd for 40 years. Gurney, Burpee, Henry Fields and Reimer all use the same pic.

Sorry I spoke up. I was just hoping to remind people to be kind. I meant no malice and I wish everyone the best.

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