Thread: Leaf curl?
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Old July 17, 2010   #8
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
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I had a few early in the season with rolled up leaves like that,
but they were more extreme than that picture. The curled
leaves had purple veins, and the plants stopped growing.
I guessed Curly Top virus or something similar (a viroid maybe),
which I have seen in previous years with similar early season
weather, and I pulled them. (Once the plants get it, they do not
recover.) The virii/viroids do not infect the soil, so I could replace
them with other plants in the same season if I noticed it early

(Kind of hard to miss when you have a row of 6 determinates
and semideterminates, all exactly the same height for the first
4-6 weeks, and then two weeks later 2 or 3 of them are a foot
shorter than the others, with curled up leaves with purple veins
on the top. Give them some foliar phosphate, wait another week,
and nothing happens, except that now they are more than a
foot shorter than the others. That is the disease.)
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