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Old July 8, 2010   #6
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Tom, I probably sound like a total garlic snob (and forgive me if I do) but I just don't freeze garlic.

Three main reasons - a) loss of flavor, b) I think it destroys many of the healthful / beneficial compounds as per info I have read about this before, and c) I find it keeps fine stored properly if I don't. Well - softnecks, anyway.

Now, I do put up "books" of pesto in the freezer in the fall, mainly to preserve loads of great pesto (and in general, my basil) until I can make / grow some more the following spring, but I never freeze straight garlic for my everyday garlic use.

I don't mean to brag or anything, but I never run out of good homegrown garlic. I'm usually eating the last few cloves from the previous season while what I've harvested in the spring is finishing up curing, and sometimes even have to find a way to use the last of it up. However, I should mention that I do grow a lot of softnecks here in Texas, and few hardnecks, and I bet the reverse is true for you.

If you can work in a few more softnecks for your plantings, that would probably help with some that will keep longer.

I'll admit to a bit of deliberate "cheating" (planning) in having fresh garlic year round. One of the few advantages to being a southern garlic grower who harvests my garlic in May is that most everyone else harvests quite a bit later. So, if I always order and trial at least a couple new varieties from someone in a cooler climate each year, that stock I order is fresher than what I harvested by a couple of months. Of course, I always keep that in mind when ordering and get a few bulbs extra of whatever beyond what I might actually need for planting stock.

As I've gotten better at growing garlic, have increased the amount I grow, and just making good and diverse variety selections that do well here in general, the "cheating" really isn't necessary anymore. But I still continue to order a little new extra planting stock for trial just in case.

Idea - Maybe you could work something out with a warm zone grower where they send you what they just harvested in early-mid May when your stored garlic is gone in exchange for getting a few bulbs for storage or trial later on.
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