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Old June 29, 2010   #14
Join Date: Feb 2006
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i understand how you feel having being there myself. consider using some of the organic methods mentioned to prevent an outbreak. for myself, i already have to deal the problem. i will continue to grow organic in every other way except for using daconil to control late blight. i want it out of my garden, and i am going to kill it. i am not willing to sacrifice my plants another year. its a compromise i am willing to make. i am not a certified organic farmer paying hundreds of dollars for that certification. like you, i'm just growing for the household. you have to look at the benefit/ risk ratio. take the drug prednisone, or steroids as a class. look at the side effect profile. there are dozens of possible side effects that could happen. heck, who would want to take a drug that could do that to you?
and yet, steroids are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs today in every shape and form possible to treat a broad spectrum of disease, and illness. i will use the daconil only as long as i need to do so. the benefit of using it is much greater than any risk of doing so.....for me.

now, i just need to do something about all these wabbits.

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