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Old June 20, 2010   #4
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Toledo, OH
Posts: 1,821

Last year I had squirrels taking my tomatoes en total to a secret location. I had a double Kosovo growng that they took when it was still green! Hope they got a real bad tummy ache.

They also took bites out of my cucumbers, sometimes leaving them on the vine, other times dragging them 10' feet away before realizing the didn't like them all that much. Eggplant were also taken clean off the plant and taken away.

There is some type of material others mentioned on one of the threads, that can be bought at craft stores and is inexpensive. They hang that over their plants to protect them from critters. I can't remember the name of it but is seems like it's something like 'toulle' maybe, pronounced like 'tool' as I recall. If I'm incorrect hopefully someone will correct me on it. The thread was probably in the 'Pest' forum.

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