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Old May 12, 2010   #11
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Location: Pleasure Island, NC 8a
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Rio Grande - simply a workhorse little paste-type tomato plant! I'm putting out at least 6 this year based on last year's awesomeness.

Jersey Devil - not as high production as the Rio Grande for me but oh-so good!

Chesapeake - a big tart slicer that mixed well with the cherries.

Lime Green Salad - little & pretty enough to be an ornamental - the fruit is green when ripe - neon greed innards & tasty in fresh salsas b/c of its citrusy "zing". Growing enough of these & other green-when-ripes (including Green Doctors) to make green salsa this year.

BTW - Rio Grande & cherry tomatoes of all colors & sizes made us the most awesome batches of salsa (4 types - 80 pints) last year. Yeppers, skins, seeds & all - they are delicious - make awesome alternative to cocktail sauce for winter roasted oysters, summer catch shrimp & crab & of, course, dipping with the good old chip of your choice.

I am trying Opalka, Heidi, Hard Rock, San Pablo, Plum Lemon & Powers heirloom this year for their salsa goodness trial. Will try fire roasting a bunch too (as if it isn't hot enough here in the summer LOL).

Last edited by stormymater; May 12, 2010 at 12:46 AM. Reason: dyslexic spelling
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