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Old June 15, 2006   #1
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: central NC
Posts: 13
Default TSWV, bacterial speck, or something Daconil will take care o

Hi Everyone! I posted this on the other site as well. ;-)

I have 30 or so heirloom plants that have done great so far in my zone 7a central NC garden. This is my first year
gardening here with so many plants. However, in the last few days, I'm starting to see signs of danger :-). I have been spraying with Daconil once a week, and I use saponified Neem oil to control aphids etc. I have seen a fair number of green aphids, potato aphids, flea beetles, and white fly, but I have n't seen what I thought were thrips--even with a magnifier.

I'm attaching some photos of problem plants. The first two are Coyote:


I'm thinking it's TSWV and I need to yank it. The second photo is of top growth. Any confirmations are appreciated.

The second two are Lucky Cross:

Maybe preliminary signs of the same thing?

Finally, the last one is of Cherokee Purple:

There are more lesions like this one elsewhere on the plant. This looks fungal to me, right?

Thanks for any comments/advice. I hate to see things go down after so much hard work!

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