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Old March 19, 2010   #12
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 985

Ami, I did use that to find the store near me where I have purchased the products. Now I have called Fox Farms customer service and they told me that the 1st bag that I purchased (FF Light Warrior Seed Starter) is just the same version of your Light Warrior in a new bag. When I told them that I was putting my seedlings into their little pots, they told me to use the FF Planting Mix if the seedlings were going into the ground and FF Ocean Forest Mix if they were going into pots. So, it sounded like I should not be using the seed starting mix at this next level. Later, I was going to transplant some peppers into raised beds and some into pots. And I may end up using some of the Happy Frog product for larger pots as the Ocean Forest is pretty expensive I have been told.
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