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Old March 16, 2010   #2
desertlzbn's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pdxwindjammer View Post
This is only my second year trying tomatoes from seeds. Almost all the seeds I planted have sprouted now and they are under the lights in my garage. I have a few questions.

1. How soon is too soon to start hardening them off? We are going to have a few days of mild, somewhat warm (65 degree) weather this week. Can I put them out for an hour or so, even though they are just babies? I would put them out for an hour or two in shade the first day, then the next an couple of hours more, and then so on until they are out all day, and when they have been our for about a week total, then if it is past frost then start leaving them out all night for a few nights before plant out.

2. I picked up a bunch of 4 inch recycled pots from a nursery the other day for free. Do I need to sterilize them before I repot the seedlings in them? If yes, how? I use a bleach solution, and just wash them in it like you wash dishes.

3. Do I need to use the expensive seed starting mix for potting up? If not, what is the best soil to use? I have read about the hand mixed soilless mix. Sorry, I buy the Sunshine mix from the landscape distrubuter in my area, I don't really have an answer for you, but maybe someone else will.

4. I have also read about fertilizing the seedlings. When should this be done? I plan on purchasing a spray bottle today and some fish emulsion and spraying them when the time comes. Start with a very weak solution of fish emulsion, about a 1 teaspoon to a gal of water to start with and when the plants get bigger you can make the emulsion stronger.

Okay, admittedly I have more than a couple of questions and I will most likely have more!

Thanks to you all for sharing your expertise!

I hope this helps.
Have a fun time, and don't fret about asking too many questions!
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