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Old February 11, 2010   #7
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: near Abilene, TX
Posts: 34

5 cups sugar
4 cups vinegar
1/4 cup canning salt or 3 TBSP
5-6 large cucumbers, sliced
1 1/2 teaspoons celery seed
1 1/2 teaspoons mustard seed

Bring mixture to a boil and let cool. Pour over the cucumbers.
Keep in the refrigerator.
In a day or two, cucumbers are ready to eat. When you are
running low, add more sliced cucumbers to the jar. You can
also add sliced onions and peppers as well to the mixture.

Another one of my favorite old recipes....

Sweet Lime Pickles

Slice large cucumbers in slices, approx. 1 gallon of slices. Cover with solution of 1
gallon water and 1 cup lime. Let stand overnight. Drain cucumbers, Wash in several
cold washings. Cover in ice cold water and let stand for 3 hours. Drain well. Cover
with vinegar solution of 4 pounds sugar, 1 quart of white vinegar, 1 teaspoon celery
seeds, 1 teaspoon canning salt, 1 teaspoon ground cloves and 1 teaspoon of pickling
spices.Let stand overnight. In the morning, put in a big pot (I use my canner for this)
and cook 45 minutes at a low simmer. Put in jars and seal.
This is my favorite recipe. I usually put mine in a big crock to start. You can tint the
vinegar solution with a couple drops of green food coloring if you want them to look
real pretty. I use a boiling water bath for a few minutes on mine to make sure the jars
seal well. I always feel safer doing this.
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