Thread: Sauces Recipes
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Old January 26, 2010   #8
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My husband and son got me an electric tomato mill for xmas...I would like to think they bought it because they love me, appreciate all I do and knew I would like it but... in the back of my mind is a nagging little thought... "If we buy this, she can make more sauce faster!"

I usually bring in about 2,000 green tomatoes at the end of the season and ripen them and then make sauce also. I have a guest room we don't heat (don't want to encourage them to stay....) I have had several people do a "taste test" between the vine-ripened sauce and the indoor-ripened sauce and they all say there is absolutely no difference. My recipe really freezes degradation in flavor (funny...frozen stuff seems to degrade faster than canned stuff...I have no idea why! Gradual air getting in? I use really good freezer containers.)
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