Thread: Potting up
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Old January 16, 2010   #24
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John, I have the 4 bulb 4 ft lights and I have heard people say they can run the same bulbs for 2 or 3 growing seasons, but I have never had much luck with re-using bulbs and replace mine every year. I use 2 of the pink grow lights and 2 regular lights in my fixtures. The grow lights are pricey though and I'd love to be able to figure out a way to get 2 seasons out of them. I thought about wiping them down this year but in all honesty, will probably just go on and replace them.

I don't use a heat pad or a fan, but I do "pet" the mater babies every day which I feel makes them stockier and also gives me my tomato smell fix I know plenty of people who use fans and they grow nice seedlings, so I don't think you can go wrong with the fan. I really can't comment on the heat pad, since I've never used one. Maybe someone who does use one could comment on what temp they set it at, and for how long they use it, etc.

As far as having a bad luck last year, that could very well be due to the weather. It was cold and rainy and just awful for trying to get maters going after planting out. I had gorgeous transplants at set out and then that cold wet spell set in and I thought I was going to lose all of them. They recovered finally but it really affected production.
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