Thread: Carrot Tomato
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Old January 12, 2010   #4
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Originally Posted by geoff1 View Post
Carolyn, good to hear from you. The "Carrot" in question is not SFT of which I am still growing from seeds received from you some years ago. The one I am trying to find more about has a fruit aprox 6" long and carrot shaped. Long, slender, juicy
with very few seeds. It came as you say in the lovely envelope marked "preservation pack" with Jans admonition to bag and separate the plants.
Thanks for clarifying that b'c ASAP I was thinking Carrot-Like.

I haven't taken the time to do some looking around but I thought that long reds were often referred to as sausage or carrot if they didn't have a variety name, but you're implying that there is a variety named Carrot.

I'm in the get my seeds ready for the seed offer I jsut made here but when I get time I'll see what I can find and perhaps others might know of a specific variety named Carrot. You're also implying it's not a paste type since you used the word juicy. Right?

Where did you get the seed for Carrot from?

Ha! I just scoped off the floor an older SSE YEarbook and what do I find but the variety Carrot listed:

91 days, , indet, 6 inch banana pepper tomato, paste type, (seed source from another SSE member, CJM) and an SSE accession number of 872 which means it was first listed in the late 70's or so.

So it looks like Carrot was really named Carrot but I don't know, without going back to earlier Yearbooks, who first listed it and if anyone cited Seeds Blum as a source. My 1987 Yearbook was near the top of the piles of Yearbooks and Carrot was not listed in that one.
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