Originally Posted by Tormato
Sweet Dumpling is just a creative name for yet another differently shaped Delicata, same stripes, etc., but internally the same as the several Delicata's out there, just much smaller and squatter.
And yes Glenn at Sandhill calls the Scarchuka one a Delicata type and yes Delicatas are C. pepos.
And yes I love Delicatas but they aren't a long storage types as most winter varieties are.
If you go to Johnny's Selected seeds you'll see the same re Delicatas being C. pepo and as I recall there's a bush Delicata offered by them as well as the standard ones.
Tom, I don't live that far from you and not once have I ever had SVBers, not once, and when I gardened at the old family farm near Albany I can't tell you how many squash varieties I used to grow. Strange.