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Old December 13, 2009   #41
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Back up your data, people!!! Chances are good that you will have a computer crash at a time when you least expect it. I had put it off, got complacent and had no warning my computer was planning to not boot the next day.

The repair techs recovered all the docs and jpgs I had in My Documents, and the ones I told them were in files on my Desktop. But I forgot that the Seed and Pepperbox database files were in with their own program directory, so they were not recovered and I have to input everything from scratch. I do have the printouts of the last Master Seed listings, but I still will have to do it all by hand. Pooh!

Ted, don't know if you have tweaked the programs further, or if my current incarnation of WinXP is smarter, but I had no error messages to ignore this time when installing each program. Also noticed an extra little printer menu comes up on the combo seed/trading program. Everything is working great, just have to find the time to input the data again. Won't be anytime soon I'm afraid.

I've certainly appreciated all your personal help the last few weeks, you're a great guy!

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