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Old June 2, 2006   #5
kwselke's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 172

Live capture traps will work, but baiting them will not work with armadillos. The armadillos are rooting for grubs. To get the armadillo in the trap, place the trap where they have been rooting. Place two long 2 x 6s on end in a V form and the opening of the unbaited trap at the base of the V funnel.

Treating the area for grubs is another option.

Arming two teenage boys with flashlights and baseball bats and putting a reward on the aradillo is another option that I've heard will work.

As a side note, the reason you see so many dead armadillos on the highway is that drivers will try to straddle them when they see them in the road. Armadillos jump when startled. The car goes over the armadillo, the armadillo is startled and jumps, the people in the car hear a thump on the floorboards. It's all over with at that point.
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