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Old November 7, 2009   #3
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Posts: 55

Hey Blue,

Thank you for that great indepth end of season pepper report! There are a few that we both grow, but some are now beyond my heat tolerance these days. (I use to win hot pepper eating contests, even in Mexico, in my 20's, but the the next 30 years have made me weary of sitting on a bowl of icecream for the next few days afterwards <grin>!)

So, after more personal anatomical information than you ever wanted, I'm always in search of good sweet/spicy peppers and would value your input. To give you a reference point; I favor Beaver Dams, Krimzon Lee Paprika, Balloons, New Mex Joe Parker, etc,. I still enjoy my Jalapenos(4 types), anchos, cayennes, serranos, etc,. for grilling, and smoked chili powder, but still in search of the ultimate sweet/spicy to sweet/medium peppers. Any suggestions?

As far as just sweet... I agree that the Giant Marconi is hard to beat for fresh, stuffed, smoked, and on the grill! I also like Sweet Pickles, Red Marconi, Corno Di Toros, Blushing Beauty, Napoleans, Jimmy Nardellos, Burans, Romanian Rainbow, and Ashe County Pimento.

Have you perchance grown any Boldog,Bullnose, Wrinkled Old Man,Tomato,Hungarian Spice Paprika, or any of the others that are suppossedly sweet and spicy? If so what are your thoughts on flavor?


PS What does "Evil Yellow Jelly Bean" mean?
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