Thread: SFT x with ?
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Old May 31, 2006   #7
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Evansville, IN
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The one SFT from Bully's seeds that is showing absolutely rampant growth, I put in a pot and kept it here at home. I planted a few others out in a plot behind a friend's construction shop. And I gave several away to friends which I'll check on from time to time.

The SFT in the pot at home is growing rampantly and I've had to sucker it repeatedly, although I've let several suckers and side shoots grow out. It's absolutely covered with flowers right now. Basically it looks like the SFT pictured in this thread above, but a little more twisted ... I mean the stems have more bends in them I guess since it's growing so rampantly and all the growing tips are lookin' for sun.

The very wispy thing that looks like SFT I found in the tray of cherries is sitting in a pot right next to the SFT. It's equal in height and growing totally erect, arrow straight, and on a single central growing stem with no side shoots. Only very diminutive suckers have appeared and they didn't grow enough to even pinch off. I've left them alone and they are only about a half inch long even though some of them are over two weeks old. By comparison, the side shoots and suckers on the SFT grow so rapidly that I have trouble keeping it sufficiently suckered.

On the wispy thing, a small cluster of diminutive flowers appear every second leaf, and the flowers have only five pedals each while the SFT flowers are very robust with six and seven thick pedals each and a much huskier anther cones.

Also the foliage of the SFT is much more verdant, thicker, and denser than this little wispy thing, but both have almost identical leaf shapes with the only difference being that the SFT's leaves are thicker, greener, and more abundant and the wispy one has grayer, thinner, and much fewer leaves.

Both are in the same soilless mix and have been fertilized and watered the same.

As to the original question ... what to cross SFT with ... I say cross it with Variegated. Does anyone have Variegated in the garden? Have you noticed how the stems are pale green, nearly cream colored on the side of the stem leading up to the same side of the plant that has the cream colored leaves? And the other side of the stem is regular green? This would be doubly weird in SFT.

I have one Variegated with what I think is an extreme amount of cream foliage. In fact, everyone who has seen it thought it was sick or something. But the leaves are all healthy lookin' with the exception of its pale, sickly color. I'll try to do a cross. Wish me luck.

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