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Old October 13, 2009   #12
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Originally Posted by ContainerTed View Post
Salty, hello from Northeastern Georgia, USA. Just above Atlanta.

Because of Juglone in my soil, I'm am Containers ONLY. Here's what I do with containers and this includes my SWC's.

At Plantout time, I don't fill the container full. An example would be a 5 gallon bucket. It would have about 6 inches left at the top. This is still plenty of growing medium for the seedling. Then, as the plant grows, I trim lower leaves and add more MIX. By the time the plant is half to two-thirds its normal full height, I will have filled the bucket to within 1.5 to 2 inches of the top. I've found that this encourages deeper and larger root systems and that usually equates to healthier - more vigorous - plants.
Thank you Ted, i have read about both methods in relation to SWC planting, a lot of people say plant at the top and allow for roots to grow deep, while others say plant deep, picking off most of the foliage.
Your method is a wonderful combination of the 2 it seems, i will take that onboard, and the way i have already planted them, i should be able to implement it.

Originally Posted by ContainerTed View Post
The MIX that I conjur up is simply sterile potting MIX (no SOIL of any kind). As I do the planting out, I put some mix in my wheelbarrow, add a bit of dolomite lime and some slow release 10-10-10 fertilizer.
Yep, i do exactly the same, although i didn't add the fert, as i was trying to follow Rays method as close as i could.

Originally Posted by ContainerTed View Post
When I do the addition of mix during early growth, I add some Tomato-Tone. This sits at the top and its beneficials are moved down into the mix as watering occurs. And, Yes, my SWC's are included in this method. Rain and an occasional squirt from the watering hose helps to move the nurtrients down.

So, Fertilizer in the mix (not a strip), Fertilizer in the top-offs, and then, about once every three weeks, a bit of Miracle grow for tomatoes as a boost. Yes, some of this goes into the water reservoir of my SWC's.
Righto, i can follow that

Originally Posted by ContainerTed View Post
Now, I watch my plants individually for bursts of greenery growth. This may mean a quick drain of nitrogen. If I suspect that, then I have some Miracle grow Organic fertilizer that is Nitrogen only. It can also be used in the MIX or as a foliar feed.

So, there you have still another approach. Probably the unique thing about my method is the part about adding growing medium (MIX) in a manner that gets me deeper root systems.

So, welcome to Tomatoville

Great, thank you Ted, really appreciate you going to the trouble to explain your own person system to me.
It has all been taken on board.

My first plant out, which was last weekend, was just in standard Potty Mix, i realise now from reading here, i should of added some Perlite at a 4:1 ratio.
Perlite is now on my shopping list.
The Mix was moistened in a wheel barrow first, then added to the container, top 6 inches i added the lime, planted the seedling, then a fert ring is on top, and covered with black plastic and placed in the hot house.

I think i now understand that the standard potty mix is no doubt lacking what ever is in the MG Mix... So perhaps i should of added some slow fert into the mix while in the wheel barrow?

Anyway, it is all learning, i have my other seedings now in 8 inch pots ready for the last plant out, so i can add these things when i do that.
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