Thread: Sauerkraut
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Old October 12, 2009   #17
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I think making sauerkraut is a form of lacto fermentation. You can also do other vegetables like you do kraut. I just did some green cherry tomatoes via the lacto fementation method. In a quart jar I added a piece of garlic, some dill weed, packed jar with tomatoes then added 2 tablespoons sea salt then filled jar with distilled water to the top and capped tightly. Some recipes call for 1/4 cup 'milk whey' and 1 tablespoon salt per quart but I didn't have any whey so I used the recommended 2 Ts. sea salt. I let the jar sit for several days as the fermentation took place. Fermentation may cause some liquid to seep from under the cap so sit in a bowl. Tasted great! Ate the whole quart in about a week.

I found a good use for those wrapped greenhouse cukes you find in the grocery store. Slice cuke into rounds and add to the leftover lacto juice. I added water to a ziploc snack bag and put it on top of pickles to bring liquid to the top and capped, leaving out on the counter for three days then put in the fridge to get cold. Mighty good eating, very crisp with outstanding flavor.

I've got 2 quarts of lacto dilly beans fermenting, also with some cukes. You can also do a lacto salsa which I've going to try soon. Let the salsa ferment 3-4 days then refridgerate and it will keep for several weeks.

Do a Google search on lacto fermentation to read up on it. Lacto fermented vegetables are great for keeping the body healthy.

I've got fermentation locks so I'll try that method also, and I've made kimchee/kimchi.
"Seriously think about what you're about to do/say before you do it and the outcome will always be better." Earl
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