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Old February 8, 2006   #6
TomatovilleŽ Administrator
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Originally Posted by don06

I see we are getting quiet a few views concerning your book. I'm assuming M did the sticky to keep it up top for a while. I hope it increases demand and sales for your book.

As always, thanks Carolyn.

M made the post a "sticky" to make new members of Tomatoville aware of the existence of Carolyns' book.

M also did this w/o speaking to Carolyn first. :wink:

M can say with 100% certainty that Carolyn is very modest of her published accomplishment and downplays the accolades she receives from her admirers.

M knows that Carolyn has never once plugged her book in any discussion forum...and she's had every opportunity to.

M also knows that she never will. She's not participating to generate sales for her book.

M knows that Carolyn does what she does for a much higher purpose; to share her knowledge and educate others on something she loves.

M also made the post a sticky as his small way of saying "thank you, Carolyn."

One last word of farewell, Dear Master and Mistress.

Whenever you visit my grave,

say to yourselves with regret

but also with happiness in your hearts

at the remembrance of my long happy life with you:

"Here lies one who loved us and whom we loved."

No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you,

and not all the power of death

can keep my spirit

from wagging a grateful tail.
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