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Old February 8, 2006   #16
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Default Now Eggplants. What Next?

Hi Cosmic,
Which eggplant varieties are you growing this season? I tried a Russian mix from Diggers two seasons back and now, having read this thread, I'm all fired-up to try some other eggplants in pots.

The little striped orange ball-type eggplants,which looked a lot like a tigerella tomato, were great eaten raw like fruit.

Love the Japanese methods of cooking eggplant, especially grilled with miso and in underlying dashi broth. The small green bitter eggplant balls are a must for a real-deal Thai green curry. Like big ones sliced, layered with veal and heirloom tomato sauce, topped with small amount of mozzarella and baked.

Mostly, we barbecue eggplant on the chargriller or hot plate with the slightest spray of oil, along with zucchini and squash and sweet peppers or capsicums. Chop them up, add balsamic vinegar, S&P, handfuls of fresh herbs. Serve with grilled meats.

Take leftovers to work for lunch. Reheat other leftover veggies with homemade heirloom tomato sauce, hot pepper, handful of basil and toss through small amount of pasta. Mmmmm. Healthy and filling.

My tomato and hot pepper pot culture is going so well this season now all I need to do is add eggplant to the mix next year.

Good growing to one and all,
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