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Old May 29, 2006   #9
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Warped...seein as how there aint been too many answers of any use to how i probly was a main culprit , in that comes a hopefully better reply...)))

Weeds...need to be individually understood, according to species. there are MANY weeds...that are beneficial towards soil life, and serve a wonderful purpose, on this Earth.

i'm gon let you in...on the singular most i aint

The REAL KEY...towards growing ANY the TILTH.

Study you'll Fly High...)))

Tilth comes from organic materials, that are in constant stages of decomposition. There is NO natural end to this natural process. Everything that lives, took something from the Soil. When it gives back...what it took.

As a gardener that faced tremendous yellow nutsedge challenges...years ago,...and struggled ....was tormented by it...i understand your question.

As an organic grower...i can offer you these admonitions i have witnessed an come to believe...))) w/no hesitations...)))

There's Great Truth ...behind the saying..."One year's weed ='s 7 year's seed." Believe That ...cause it's True...))) This is a simple Truth....simply watch any weed, an discover HOW it pro-creates...then...pre-empt that singular action. In other words...unless it's suckin yo ground dry, jus watch it, an cut it down, prior to it's reproductive cycle. But there are other things to consider, as well.

Study...the roots...of the plants You desire to grow, , identify...the "weeds' that give cause for concern. If you do this well, an in fact, real world footsteps will teach you better than any will easily discern which weeds compete with a desired species, and which weeds Dont. There are many Fine vegetables, that Man has refined their attributes towards one Goal....taste...or Yield. But in doing so...the cultivar lost some of it's Spine....(ability to stand up on it's own.)
some Chickweed...are a fine Boon, towards supporting a preferred vegetable. An all you gotta do, is pull the weed, when it gets ready to bloom, an throw it right back down, under your desired plant, to serve as both support, an to Give the a reduced way, albeit, because some loss of nitrogen will be to the atmosphere...but still allowed that "weed" to Live, an be an Ally.

There are MANY...natural plants. Defenses you or i aint never even had a chance to Learn about. "Weeds"...contribute so this Area. Not to your desired plant....but to the Soil.

Warped...theres so much i could tell ya ...from havin grown purely in a Natural way, now...for the last 6-7 years. An the One Thing to This...It's ALL...Inter-related. One caint simply pick one aspect an say..."This is my Enemy". it's that kinda thinkin, that will Blind you...from ever seein Real Beauty...Truth...)))

Create the beds you wish to grow in, an take the undesired species an let them Give Back, by simply pulling them, an layin them out upon the very bed they grew in...Come to understand ...Cycles of how Each Species has it's Own Window of Opportunity....very Brief...Study....the area's of Competition in the Root Zones of i dont think you'll ever ask this Question , again...))) but Somebody will...))) ...Thats OK...Too...)))

all we to Grow Somethin Good...)))
....Can you tell a green Field.....from a cold steel rail ?
Roger Waters, David Gilmour
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