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Old August 7, 2009   #11
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Join Date: Jan 2007
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Posts: 438

For one set of plants I used:
MycoGrow (spray and drench), Serenade, Actinovate (spray and drench), molasses, neem, and Neptunes Harvest (but mainly Serenade and Actinovate.) Also copper recently.

I sprayed a ton--- even in the rain (there was no lightening) with Molasses to help make it stick. I sprayed "a lot". . . I think it may be against federal law to spray too often so I'll leave it at that. :0)

I know I covered my plants completely because I spent a ton of time on it. . . and due to perhaps the darkness--- my plants were very short---- but had tons of flowers and some many new maters.

Notice I'm talking about my plants in the past tense!

This set of plants didn't have any fungus or spots. . . but the morning after I saw them looking perfect I got a call. . . .

All gone!

I'm not complaining. . . I just think there may be some luck involved with the various miracle cures and home remedies people keep talking about. Now I'm not saying spray the Earth with funk if you don't want too. . . but if you're okay with it I would definitely listen to Dr. Carolyn.
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