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Old July 31, 2009   #1
hasshoes's Avatar
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Default Giant Knotweed Plant to induce resistance. . . Milsana, Regalia, supplements. . .

I've been reading up on this as something to help fight grey mold which is really taking down my plants (humidity+wind+rain+florida weave= epic fail! ) . . . .

I think Milsana (a derivative of it. . . maybe not organic. . . but in future could be?) has been mainly used in Germany. . . Ami. . . have you tried it?

Also looking at Regalia. . . though it's way too expensive at it's current price/size. . . I was wondering if I could just go to a vitamin store and make my own giant knotweed spray.

In one study it did better than Serenade when combined with other stuff on early blight (though I don't know how impartial the study was?)

Milsana (which may not be available here?) several years it didn't test well on grey mould but another year it did


Of course I know all about aspirin etc etc. . . just found this and wondering if it could be better.

Thanks Ami (or anyone else) . . .. . . if you've heard of it I appreciate your input.
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