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Old July 31, 2009   #12
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Originally Posted by jeffinsgf View Post

Amazingly enough, Baker Creek's supplier has now told them that the mislabeled GRS is 'd'Albenga' (notice the "Coeur" is missing). The supplier is in Italy. I don't know more than that, but if you want some seed from these, I'll be happy to send them to you for a side by side with the ones that come from France. If you get a surplus from your "French Connection", I'll be happy to provide a dual site for the trial.
Jeff you saw my post at idig b'c I posted right after Randel did with the above information. and you saw that I asked him if BC still had some of those wrong variety seeds that they pulled.

You also saw me tell him that I knew someone at another message site who would be interested but wouldn't share that with that person, meaning John, until Randel got back to me, which he hasn't yet.

But stupiodly, I also forgot that you might well still have some seeds left that you could sharfe with John.

BUT, I see a problem.

Green Zone wrote:

(Probably the final word on our end, re the German Red Strawberry fiasco....

My supplier's supplier has discussed it with HIS supplier, in Italy, and their opinion is, that the GRS in question is probably a variety called d'Albenga. )

An OPINION on what it was is PROBABLY____________ isn't good enough for me. if they don't KNOW what it is they should say so. Pictures of this variety, well, read my response below

Carolyn Wrote in response:
Now that's terrifically interesting to me b'c at another message site someone is looking for that variety and can't find seeds anywhere.

Going from various sources of info it's been impossible to tell the difference between several varieties such as Piriform, Giant Cueno, Liguria and a few more and some of them are IDed as being the other, as in dual names for the same variety.

Soooooo, if you think what you have is d Albenga, and you still have seeds could I send this person to you for some seeds? I won't mention this to him until I see your response, either here or via a PM.

it still seems a bit strange to me that the same picture appeared at several sites IDed variously as GRS, Piriform and Cuore di Bui and only Johnny's correctly IDed it as Italian in origin as Piriform.



So I remain unconvinced. Look, if the same picture at several sites is the same and it's IDed as being GRS or Coure di Bui or Piriform, to me it means that there's total misrepresentation probably going back to Italy, b'c why would BC list it as GRS unless that's what the wholesale sheet said, and if the wholesale sheet said Cuor di Bui they'd get the same seeds, and if the sheet said Piriform they'd get the same seeds again.

I still say grow put as many lookalikes as you can in the same season and chose the ones you like best as compared with the one you're getting from France.

At least we tried John, but I think you can also see the iffiness of this situatiion.
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