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Old July 29, 2009   #6
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Springfield Missouri
Posts: 42

Originally Posted by Lamb Abbey Orchards View Post

Confusing? You bet.

Any thoughts or feedback appreciated. Thanks.

Well, this has turned out to be an intriguing puzzle. I was the first to mention on iDig that my "German Red Strawberry" didn't seem quite right, in that they tapered the wrong way for a heart. In replying to me, Carolyn brought up the issue of 'Cuore di Bue' (several variations of the spelling) being distributed that did not appear to be a heart at all, but another pyriform (the shape, not the variety). Through a lengthy discourse, she pointed out that what Johnny's sells as 'Piriform' and what BC labeled as 'German Red Strawberry' and what Territorial labeled as 'Cuore di Bue' appeared to be the same tomato, likely coming from the same wholesale source.

Now enters yet another player, with yet another variation of the "Coeur" name, but a pyriform shape. However, in the excellent collection of photos posted, I notice little or no void space around the seed sacs in 'Coeur d'Albenga' which I have found prominent in my mislabeled GRS (likely 'Piriform').

I think the only logical solution is for everyone to pitch in and buy me a ticket to Italy, where I will scour the countryside of Liguria, seeking out the truth to this puzzle, eating tons of their delicious tomatoes both cooked and sliced, and buying tomato seed by the pound, which I will carefully label with the names that the locals who grow them use and bring them home to lavishly share with all those who contributed to my ticket and travel expenses. Fair, no?

Edited to Add:


If you do find some seed for 'Coeur d'Albenga' I would be most delighted if you would let me know where you find them. Whatever the name is of what I have, I love it and want to find all of its siblings, cousins, black sheep, etc.

Last edited by jeffinsgf; July 29, 2009 at 05:35 PM.
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