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Old July 2, 2009   #14
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Location: Gaithersburg, MD
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There are lots of factors. It's hard to say for certain because the stuff was piling up and the stuff on top may have been new while the stuff on the bottom may have been old.

I have considered the weed killer idea. I really don't know what to think but since two reputable sources were for Ammonia I am tending toward that conclusion.

Thanks for the offer of seeds. I have many of our standards that I have saved over many years but I am concerned about the new experiemental types like Berkley Tye Die Pink. I am sure some kind soul will give me some of these if I ask for next year but I wanted to offer them as seedlings and for that I would really need a growout to produce sufficient quantities.

I pulled the BTD Pink and repotted it and it seem to recover so I replanted it last week. It just might produce. We will see!

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