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Old June 8, 2009   #11
MAGTAG™ Coordinator
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 400

Good news! I believe I was wrong about my Greater Baltimore - the more I examine it, the more it looks RL to me. I think what threw me is the fact that the leaves are large wide, and the indentations aren't very deep. But they are there. I compared the leaves with those of Cherokee Chocolate (RL) and Stupice (PL), and they resemble CC more than Stupice. So I hope I really do have Greater Baltimore.

Speaking of Stupice, I noticed a small green fruit on my plant! Maybe I'll have a ripe tomato by July 4th this year! I think I've only accomplished that goal once in my gardening lifetime, and that was with an Early Girl (ick).
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