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Old April 22, 2009   #9
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Pleasure Island, NC 8a
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I have had 5 folks (2 couples traveled > an hour to get here!) come as "presales" after seeing my Craig's list posting for May 2 yard sale. One guy was all about the hot peppers but the couples came armed with their tomato lists! A retired couple from MD/DC wanted those Costoluto Genovese & San Marzanos. They left with those, SM Redortas, Scatalones, Black Krims, Tondo Liscios & some Marconi hybrid peppers. The other couple came from 1/2 way to Fayetteville with a HUGE list - many blacks, purples & potato leaves. I didn't have everything sorted as neatly as I would like (plan to have sale in driveway not backyard) so I had a hard time finding my Kellogg's Breakfast sorting through the boxes of labelled cups. They were such good folks (came armed with pics of their straw bale/drip irrigation/permanent trellis tomato setup) that I gave them one of my precious KBXs (oh god, I sound like Golem!) - they knew of it & appreciated it.
Both couples have emailed me to let me know their little plants are doing great & both plan to come back for the May 2 sale (the MD couple for basil & eggplant - they asked if I would grow them some Japanese eggplant next year! & the other folks with lists from friends & family for heirlooms they've read about).
Since the yard sale is rain or shine (& my DF from Raleigh who is coming to help me always brings rain - always) I plan to make some copies of pics/blurbs about the different varieties & waterproof them. I also plan to use duct tape (ah, stuff of the gods) to label the front of boxes of plants as I set up in the driveway.
This should be interesting as I have never done a yard sale ever in 5+ decades of life (hence the "rainmaker" coming down). If the folks who come are like the folks who have already come - this will be a ball!
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