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Old April 19, 2009   #7
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 2,591

Just for reference when you have more varieties than you can easily remember all the "specs" and make a list, Alpha isn't always the best method.

For me I break down my list first by "type" -- Roma, Cherry or small, Red, Pink or purple - you get the idea. Within the type I make my list by "maturity". Sometimes it makes it harder to find a variety, but the question I'm asked the most it "how early is it" So the higher up the list it is, the earlier it is. I also do my plant racks the same way. A rack (or 2 or 3) for the "type" then the higher up the rack it is, the earlier it is.

That system has worked for me for about 20 years now. You can find a copy of last year's list on my web site if you are interested.

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