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Old March 28, 2009   #4
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Central MN, USDA Zone 3
Posts: 299

I offered one variety of tomatoe seeds free, for a SASE this year, and got a fair number of takers; a few of those sent money instead. Interestingly enough, several of them were from folks I know to have a real "jones" for this sort of thing...fancy that! I also got an order from a gentleman for the 4th straight year for a particular variety of seed potatoes: I guess in a nano-scale way I have become a seed house, LOL!

I love it all: it feels pretty good to have these little connections to others that I can share a little something with. Nearly every letter contains a note, and I often return one with the order.

I know there are some who depend on SSE to earn a few dollars, and even know of one who did fairly well at one time. I don't take it as seriously. In fact, I have made a conscious decision to only maintain a limited number of varieties, choosing only those that I find very well suited to my local conditions, and are difficult or impossible to find elsewhere. Early Alberta tomato stays, for example, while Deer Tongue lettuce will not. Others can pick up the slack; I'm just a hobbyist.
a day without fresh homegrown tomatoes is like... ...sigh
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