Thread: Idiots
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Old May 10, 2006   #1
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: 6a SW Ohio
Posts: 135
Default Idiots

I had a tree taken down today and the idiot running the chain saw dropped a maple tree on an entire tray of tomato seedlings hardening off. Seventeen seedlings -- everything I had -- were in that tray.

I waded into the fray once I saw what he had done -- did he not SEE there was a tray of seedlings RIGHT THERE? Did he not even BOTHER to check to see if he was dropping this tree ON SOMETHING -- and pulled all of them out. One (Red Penna, received this weekend at the CHOPTAG share) was completely beheaded. A couple had their heads cut off. A few -- the smaller seedlings -- look just a bit bedgraggled. Fortunately Earl's 4-foot Kimberly just got knocked over and looks fine, but ARRGH!

I'm going to keep them all and see if they'll recover, of course, but honestly.


Anyone think the worst of them will recover?
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