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Old March 21, 2009   #25
Polar_Lace's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Z8b, Texas
Posts: 657


It's only good for keeping mice away from your cellar or house. Therefore you must grow it in the ground right next to where you might have a mouse hole.

Your #1 best bet is to grow & Mow! But realizing that, you must mow over it nearly 4 times to mince it down. If want to grow it for tea, make sure you cut the stems way down to the ground. I used to pack them in ice cube trays, fill with water and freeze them for use in the winter time. They're good for hot cocoa in the winter. I wish I could have some starts here to plant out. Also my preference is the ever loving Apple Mint. I'm trying to find some down here too.

~* Robin
It's not how many seeds you sow. Nor how many plants you transplant. It's about how many of them can survive your treatment of them.
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