Thread: Favorite Herbs?
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Old February 6, 2006   #5
cosmicgardener's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Tasmania, Australia
Posts: 407

Hyssop is an old remedy for coughs and colds, asthma and other lung problems. It is recorded by Dioscorides as needing to be boiled with honey and drank three times a day and Culpeper recommends to use it in an oxymel ( honey and vinegar mix) to 'purge gross humours by the stool'. Now this might sound gross, but towards the end of any infection - especially viral ones, three doses a day clears the way for better heath! A small amount each morning is a good tonic.

Hyssop with figs is an excellent cure for constipation and can be given to kids safely in small doses. Boil the figs with hyssop and give a small amount - combats Big Mac! Also good with figs for spleen stimulation and so good for cholesterol control and weight control.

Boiled in a bit of wine it is good for bathing abrasions and also helps bring our bruises and ease strains. I bruise easily and have a bottle of it ready. ( a good Semillon Sauvignon Blanc !) It beats Arnica and if I clout myself in the garden which is common - I just grab a handful and rub in on the knock and it often stops bruising in its tracks. Mixed with salt, cumin seeds and a bit of honey it is great for insect stings. I keep a concoction for the grandies and they swear it works - even when you lick it off! Hyssop Oil kills head lice - a better alternative to chemical treatment and when sandalwood gives you asthma. Mixed with rue it makes a good bedstraw for dogs - repelling fleas. When I was breeding/showing dogs I made mats stuffed with dried hyssop and rue and and sold them to fund my travel expenses.

Companion for grapevines, cabbages and indeed all of the brassicas. If it gets too leggy, I cut it down and use it as a 'carpet mulch' between the rows of brassicas.

So as you see I love the stuff - it is pretty and the butterflies like it too. It doesn't seem to have too many culinary uses unless you are wanting a 'bitter' herb dish. I haven't tried it on my stone hut but I think the hyssop there is more a form of oregano.

In Ayurveda there is a great tea that can be used in winter just as a warming drink but also to ward off colds.
Licorice root
Long Pepper or
You can add Turmeric if you like it and sweeten with honey if you must.
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