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Old February 18, 2009   #6
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: north central B.C.
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My .02 - I start my seeds with a porous potting soil and just a layer of seed starting mix on top. For potting on, more of the porous potting mix (probably about 60 - 70%), mixed with compost, worm poop, and any 'other' potting soil leftovers from the previous season. To my husband's dismay, there is a large tub of potting soil permanently set up in the garage. Makes it easier, warmer and tidier to work out there when there is still snow on the ground. Watering is with very dilute kelp and compost tea after the seedlings get their true leaves. Have a real shuffle system - from filling flats in the garage, bring them into basement for planting and germination (large shelving unit with 4' fluorescent fixtures on 3 levels). After they are well established, they get shuffled back to the garage, again under fluorescent lights - the colder temperatures keep them compact. Of course, then more flats go inside for a new wave of germinating. When weather permits, the "garage stock" gets shuffled outside for fresh air and sunshine. Seems a complicated regimen seeing it written out, but it works well and I manage to get several hundreds of great transplants of flowers and veggies each year for our own use and for donation to plant sales. Some years have managed a couple thousand, nowhere near what some of you produce, but not bad for a one-(rickety) woman show. Am anxiously waiting for the new season - still a couple of months away up here.
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