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Old January 27, 2009   #11
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: southern part
Posts: 23

I have been selling plants for about 6 years or more. Each year I plant a few more because I run short and people still want plants. I start 1 tray of tomatoes of 120 each week for 2 weeks which I have already done. This next weekend and for 2-3 more weekends I will start around 300 plants each weekend. Then back down to 120 per week for 2-3 weeks. Last year I sold plants tomatoes from the 3rd weekend in February until the middle of April and people still wanted tomato plants and I had to tell them I ran out. I sold around 1000 tomato plants alone. I also start and sell bell peppers, hot peppers, eggplant, squash, cucumbers, watermelon, mushmelon, and some herbs. I sell quite a few bell peppers, hot peppers ,and eggplant also, probably 300 of each bell and hot peppers, and 100 eggplant. The other items 25-50 of each.
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