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Old December 19, 2008   #12
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 2,591

I just hope I dont grow some bland tasting tomatoes like they sell at the super market.

Something I tell my plant customers ---

you can grow the exact same variety as those from the stores and because you pick them RIPE instead of green, they will taste better than those from the store. Basically the LAST thing a tomato does is make it's sugars and that usually doesn't happen until the tomato is already turning color. The stores can gas the green tomatoes to make them turn colors, but they can't make the already picked fruit make it's sugars.

Now that isn't to say that a whole lot of the heirloom varieties grown here don't have a lot better flavor than the store varieties. Only that comparing the same variety picked green vs picked ripe will produce vastly different results.
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