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Old November 25, 2008   #6
Join Date: Feb 2006
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most years, i grew just the 2 varieties from my uncle steve, the purple streaked one that is a flat pod with a slight curve to it. purple flowers i think. that should be true to type. the other variety is a red streaked one that is a straighter bean with yellow flowers. i have also grown green annelino several years ago, and a long time ago, i had a few seeds of a kentucky or blue lake pole bean from a neighbor planted close by before i knew about possible crossing issues. i have seen some round beans with purple streaking and straight pods in the past come up. they didn't taste as good, so they got eliminated from the gene pool. i've also seen beans that were flat, but with a different curve to them. i have been paying closer attention any off type beans, and lately they seem to be ok. never know when something different might pop up though.

hope that helps.

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