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Old August 8, 2008   #5
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
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But curiously enough the plants near by and beside it in smaller pots are fine.
I saw that, too. The Black Cherry and the little wilted
determinate in the container with the New Yorker were
scattered among a few other self-watering containers
and right next to a row in a raised bed that showed no
symptoms at all. That made a wind-borne pathogen less
probable, and showing up immediately after a gusty day
was perhaps just coincidence.

I tried spraying them with some dissolved aspirin (salicylic acid)
in a weak molasses and humic acid solution. The wilted foliage
did not recover. Whether that helped the plants at all I do
not have enough information to say.

(For the technically inclined with some knowledge of plant
biochemistry, a summary on plant immune system responses:
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