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Old May 27, 2008   #4
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Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post
Suze, Mischka said he had some reds coming out of saved BB seed.

What happened to those in terms of following through?

And since red is dominant to pink how could a red be a parent?

OK, I'll confess that I've never understood the possible parentage of BB from what folks have posted about saved seeds in the past.
Carolyn, I confess total ignorance on this one. If M mentioned getting some reds at some point in time, I either missed it, or have slept since then. He'll have to elaborate on what he may have ended up with (and decided to select for) with during his various growouts. My understanding is that during the selection process, he was growing BB F1 every yr for a point of reference/comparison in making his selections. But again, he'll have to elaborate.

These F5 seeds were sent to me as something that he felt was stable or fairly stable in terms of being an OP version of Brandy Boy, which we have both grown and liked. That is also what I am seeing so far with my spring growout of two plants each of BB F1 and BB F5.
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