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Old May 22, 2008   #3
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: MO z6a near St. Louis
Posts: 1,349

I have two strawberry beds. Each of them are about 6' x 20'. One bed (Earliglow) gives me more berries than the other. I have not weighed or otherwise measured the harvest from these beds, but I would say that I pick on average two quarts every other day for maybe three weeks (one variety matures earlier than the other, but they overlap). In practice, the first pickings are the biggest and then they taper off somewhat.

U-Picks are nice (though $$$) if you want to freeze them and be done with it all at once. I like having the harvest spread out over several weeks so I can enjoy them over a period of time.

If you plant a bed, do be prepared to protect them from the birds or you will harvest 0 pounds. I speak from experience.

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