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Tormato February 6, 2008 12:27 PM

Paw Paw
The catalogs always praise this fruit. I'm looking for the :roll: "truthiness" about it.


jungseed February 6, 2008 12:38 PM

Thanks for asking this, I'd be interested also.

amideutch February 6, 2008 01:52 PM

I don't know about the fruit but I have read where they have used the leaves to create an extract to fight cancer. Dr. Jerry McLaughlin at Purdue University was doing the research. Ami

macmex February 6, 2008 02:52 PM

I've eaten them, and they are quite good. Probably, the thing which they aren't telling you is that they are not very big producers.

The trees are very ornamental. They look tropical


kygreg February 6, 2008 03:12 PM

I think deer and other animals are crazy about them.

Worth1 February 7, 2008 11:11 AM

Outside the gardening/woodsman community there are few people that even know the Pawpaw even exists.
As a child growing up in the Ozarks they were scarce and hard to find in the woods.

When someone found a tree in the forest it was a closely guarded secret handed down from generation to generation.
This may sound absurd but it is true, I have seen the best of friends actually try to follow another friend to see if they can track him to the tree.

My father and I tracked our neighbor in the Talihina area in the Ouachita forest in Oklahoma to one.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

There we were in the forest looking for turned rocks broken branches and identifying foot prints and commenting on what person put them there.
“Look there is Bill’s tracks; those are the boots he wears”.
“There are James’s shell casings from his 32-20 where he shot at something; yep we are on the right track”.
“That’s the shots we heard an hour ago”.
Up and down the hills we would go being careful not to get too close and then just before sundown we would find the tree and head back to the house.

Then there was the weekly trip to the tree to see how the fruit was doing.
You had to get to the fruit before the critters or another person got there or the fruit would be gone.
It was an annual game we all played and looked forward to.

They sell Pawpaw trees but I think it is too hot in this part of Texas for them to do well though I think I have seen them in an area west of here, (no I wont tell where). LOL

The flowers have little smell and one of the pollinators is the common blow fly so some gardeners put out rotten meat around the tree to increase fruit production.

They are an under story tree that does well in a shady yard and it would do anybody well to grow one or two if they live in the right climate for them.

I’ve seen them grow in poor soil right out of a rock pile.


mresseguie February 7, 2008 11:36 AM

[I]Asimina triloba[/I] Grow this hardy, native American fruit and bring a taste of the tropics to your table. A relative of Cherimoya and several other tropical fruiting plants, Pawpaw is uniquely hardy to at least minus 20°F. Pawpaw fruit combines delectable, fruity, banana-like flavor with creamy, custard-like flesh. Nutritious as well as delicious, the greenish yellow, 3"- 6" long fruit is unusually high in protein and is a good source of vitamins and minerals. A slow growing, small tree, Pawpaw is naturally disease and pest resistant and features long, tropical-looking foliage that turns a striking bright yellow in the fall. Pawpaw was a significant part of the Native American diet, provided important sustenance for the Lewis and Clark Expedition, and, with our superior large-fruited varieties, is enjoying new popularity. We're pleased to be able to offer several rare and valuable varieties that can produce tasty and delicious fruit weighing 1/2 lb. or more.


amideutch February 7, 2008 02:25 PM

mresseguie, nice to see you posting again, hope your family is well. I've got some pawpaw seeds I've been meaning to sprout. Maybe I'll throw them in the refrigerator for awhile and see if I can grow some seedlings. Ami

Patapsco Mike February 8, 2008 08:28 AM

Here in Maryland, paw paw trees are very common in the woods- but no one seems to eat them. I ate a few in the woods growing up, but myself and most of the kids I spent time in the woods with weren't crazy about them. They taste OK, but only when perfectly ripe. The flesh is soft, and there isn't a whole lot of it on each fruit (despite the fact that this is North America's largest native fruit). The skin can be tough and a bit bitter.

My mother in law is from South America, and is crazy about them. She planted two of the domesticated paw paw cultivars in her yard. She has to fight the squirrels for each one as it ripens. A lot of work for a few bites of fruit each year IMO, but she likes them.

They are an attractive tree, and do well in the shade.

mresseguie February 8, 2008 11:38 AM

Hiya, ami.

I just didn't feel compelled to comment on many things this winter. Last year was only a so so year for tomatoes. I relinquished my community garden plot (400 sq ft) because it was too much of a time/resource hog. I mourn the loss of space and its <now> excellent soil, but, oh, the time I'll have for other things!

Family is fine. Good luck with the paw paw seedlings. Do expect to wait several years before seeing fruit production--typically 3 yrs. for a bare root transplant. You'll need at least two varieties for cross pollination.

Tormato February 8, 2008 12:51 PM


Thanks for the links, and the story. I don't think anything absurd can come out of the Ozarks.:D


Researching about the seeds, it doesn't look like they can be let to dry out. They also seem to need 90-120 days of stratification.


Nice to see you back. Time to report back on the kholrabi.

The Supershmelz was great. It grew to about 6 lbs in a globe shape. Crisp, juicy, not woody.

The Granlibakken was disappointing. It grew to about 2 1/2 lbs. The shape was like a bowling pin. The top 1/3 was OK, but the bottom 2/3... the best way I could describe it was that it had the texture of neoprene. /puke


mresseguie February 8, 2008 01:45 PM

[COLOR=Blue][I]"The Supershmelz was great. It grew to about 6 lbs in a globe shape. Crisp, juicy, not woody.

The Granlibakken was disappointing. It grew to about 2 1/2 lbs. The shape was like a bowling pin. The top 1/3 was OK, but the bottom 2/3... the best way I could describe it was that it had the texture of neoprene.[/I][/COLOR] /puke"

Neoprene?!?! I'll pass on it then.....yuck.

Good to hear about the Supershmelz. I bought a packet last month, and I'm just sowing seeds in a flat today! I visited a garden in Eugene, OR yesterday where Supershmelz over-wintered uncovered. They looked good!

My Gigante was a good choice, but I let some of them go too long before harvesting. They did get very woody, but it was my own fault. They held up to aphids very well.

I'm planting more greens and fewer tomatoes this year. I's blasphemy, but my family better appreciates lots of greens.

Ewww. I can't get the idea of eating neoprene out of my head. <shudder>


Tormato February 9, 2008 01:26 PM


It gets worse.

I tried cooking :roll: and processing:roll: Granlibakken.

Cream /pukef ne/pukeprene s/pukeup


Volvo February 9, 2008 03:31 PM

Paw Paw:) bit of an underated fruit and one which doesnt seem to get as much praise or publicity at least not in ye ole Schools as does the Apple and Orange, yet a fruit which is so important to one especially in goodness for say "Bowel cancer " etc..
So easy to grow also at least in sub tropical to tropical climates..
Used to hate the taste of this fruit once upon a long time ago but with persisitance and the taste of a "Sweet fruit" and quickly changed my mind.
Its so easy to get bitter fruits with this fruit that i think its what puts them in the "Yukky!!!:)) :? department at times?? and makes it hard for some to keep persavering with them..
Secret is, if you eat a sweet Paw Paw just scrape the seed and just toss out in the garden somewhere or close to the house especially close to concrete as they are a great lover of lime..Walk out one days and little Bumbino Paw Paw plants shooting up everywhere..
Trouble here is that they will come up all clustered up together and you cant just pull all out and leave only one or two because the one or two you pulll out may just turn out to be "Femaleale plants " rendering the others not so good in growing fruit at least not in the "very quick as well as tasty department, not to mention large fruit also"...
Trees normally get a good three four foot sometimes more before growing flowers to the point of identifying which is male and which is female..
Female trees set their flower right in tight and close against and between trunk and branch whereas the male does in the same areas but with a long stem between it and the trunk (not so close to the trunk)...
Whereas the fruit with the female is more roundish and larger (excepting the red paw paw) the male grows them a tad smaller and more in the longish department and tree can go yonks before shedding fruit and have heard that if you get a male to grow fruit you can bet your Butt they will be worth the wait..
Have yet to witness this as i have grown male which have fruited and put to the test..
At present i have about halfe a dozen paw paw in my back yard and between Wife , myself and the fruit bats we are getting a good feed of fruit each week and with the good rains we have been getting the trees are growing like there's no tomorrow:)..
One in particular i'm going to need a cherry picker to get to the fruit come ripening time as its growing out of proportion and me thinks this one's a Red Paw Paw for sure as each stem has up to three four fruit on it and fruit everywhere ..
Will try take a coupla snaps today and upload a pic or two soon...
Nuther thing worth remembering and does work with paw paw is a coupla tablesppons of Blood n Bone around the base of the tree surely adds towards the sweetness of the fruits and trust me it does work..
Have never grown a Bitter Paw Paw to date and at four to five bucks a kilo at the Supermarket it does pay to grow your own...

amideutch February 10, 2008 02:29 AM

Volvo, are you talking about the american strain of PawPaw. From what I have read the ones grown downunder are not the same as the ones indigenous to the USA. Ami

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