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GoDawgs July 8, 2020 05:52 PM

It's Finally Ready!
I've been waiting ever since the last of last year's was gone. The Silver Queen corn is ready. WOO HOOOOO! I've been watching the silks darken and feeling pointy tips on the ears but today a few felt more rounded so I pulled an ear to check. Yep! Ready! So I picked three more for eating this evening. Tomorrow will start about a two week window of picking until it's all done.


At the other end of the garden the popcorn is doing really well and starting to silk.


We ended up with 2" of rain and were lucky as two counties north of here got 6". But what we got is making things jump. This is the zuchetta or trombone squash I have going this year. I swear it grew by about a third over the past two days. It's way past using as a summer squash so I'll have to wait for the next one to set. This one is about as thick as my wrist.


Speaking of squash, the first summer squash is on the way. I'm playing with training the summer squash to a stake to see if going vertical will provide enough air flow to keep the funk away.


And finally there's one Charleston Gray watermelon growing but not growing as fast as I want it to! All those flowers and just one melon set so far on this plant and none yet on the Black Diamond. Maybe the heat's to blame.


brownrexx July 8, 2020 06:00 PM

Beautiful! Fresh corn is the best!

GoDawgs July 9, 2020 08:26 AM

And I finally ate my first good, thick tomato-bacon-mayo sammie of the season. On homemade bread. Oh my, it was good! :D

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