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whoose September 6, 2017 11:32 AM

Florida Lookout, Irma?
This is an epic storm. Please use this post to let us know how you are doing. Best of luck!

MadCow333 September 6, 2017 12:00 PM

This Irma discussion was recommended on another forum:


disclaimer: I haven't read through it. ymmv. But people seemed to think that forum had a good handle on Harvey.

Spike2 September 6, 2017 02:08 PM

Whoose how close are you to the fires? Are you okay?

ginger2778 September 6, 2017 10:39 PM

[QUOTE=whoose;663674]This is an epic storm. Please use this post to let us know how you are doing. Best of luck![/QUOTE]

I remember when an epic was a good thing, haha. We are securing and preparing day by day. Tomorrow night the storm panels go up. Also different sized ziplock baggies will be filled with water and put everywhere in the freezer.
Airlines were caught price gouging, so after being caught they claimed it was a computer glitch. Southwest and JetBlue were the ones who charged normal rates. United and Delta were the worst offenders. I could catch a flight out, but what would we do with our 76lb black lab? We should be OK, our roof is up to post hurricane Andrew building code, and all new construction since Andrew is up to that code, amongst the most stringent in the nation, so most of our buildings should be OK.

VC Scott September 7, 2017 12:28 AM


Will be offering up prayer for you and all of Florida these next few days.

I grew up in Minnesota and still remember the tornado drill. Get to the basement and go to the wall that is closest to the direction the tornado is supposed to come from. However, Dad insisted that the safest place was the closet underneath the staircase. The staircase was the sturdiest part of the house with the most nails and tied to 4x4 rather than 2x4.

We spent some hours in that closet listening to the transistor radio. Fortunately the tornadoes always passed us by.

Too bad there aren't basements in Florida.

Bag the water, ready the canned food, get a few propane canisters for the Coleman stove.

AlittleSalt September 7, 2017 12:37 AM

Marsha, it made the news here too. $1,000 one way tickets out of Florida. I didn't get to hear the details as our grandchildren were making a lot of noise.

Thank you for answering a question I have before I asked it. About the Andrew building code. I thought there must be a special code for building there. I used to know a lady living in Dade County. She had the same nerve disease I have. Most times, she was very medicated, but I remember her saying something about hurricane building codes.

Just be safe Marsha, and all of you in Irma's path. Maybe Irma will choose to head northeast sooner than they expect.

Rockporter September 7, 2017 01:11 AM

[QUOTE=ginger2778;663731]I remember when an epic was a good thing, haha. We are securing and preparing day by day. Tomorrow night the storm panels go up. Also different sized ziplock baggies will be filled with water and put everywhere in the freezer.
Airlines were caught price gouging, so after being caught they claimed it was a computer glitch. Southwest and JetBlue were the ones who charged normal rates. United and Delta were the worst offenders. I could catch a flight out, but what would we do with our 76lb black lab? We should be OK, our roof is up to post hurricane Andrew building code, and all new construction since Andrew is up to that code, amongst the most stringent in the nation, so most of our buildings should be OK.[/QUOTE]

Please don't rely on post hurricane Andrew building requiremments. Numerous buildings all around me are built post Andrew because those codes are a nationwide standard. Those buildings were demolished by Harvey. Please do everything in your power to get out of the way of Irma. Get in the car with your wonderful pet if you have to, but get out of the way.

Tell you what I packed that day we left. I packed every stitch of clothing we wore on a regular basis. All of my dish towels and dish clothes. Same as with the bath towels and wash clothes. Packed our toiletries, my medicines, and I packed a minimal amount of kitchen stuff to make sure we could survive if we had no home to return to. I was not going to be without clothing or a way to cook if we had no home. I brought our insurance papers with us, and our financials too. Also brought our computers and phones. We brought both of our trucks. Mine has a cap on it but his did not. That's it, enough to make life a little easier if we did not have a home to return to. Oh, and I took all of my kitty's things with us too. I left nothing of hers behind. Most of everything I packed went into trash bags with no rhyme or reason. I also cooked a few things we could eat if we wound up somewhere without ability to cook. My friends laughed because we evacuated to their house but I brought all the food, lol. Please be safe.

Rockporter September 7, 2017 01:16 AM

[QUOTE=whoose;663674]This is an epic storm. Please use this post to let us know how you are doing. Best of luck![/QUOTE]

I wondered when you would start another thread on hurricanes, I've been waiting on you.

OH MY GOD! Another awful event for humanity to try to make some sense of. My heart is already breaking for them.:cry:

imp September 7, 2017 02:49 AM

Ginger, please think about evacuating, load up the dog and all else. This one is bad and where ever it hits will be bad.

I wouldn't want to leave my home either, but better to leave and be alive /unhurt than otherwise.

I am worried about you and all the members along the coastlines ( and Florida is basically all coastline). I am not trying to be bossy, just worried.

brownrexx September 7, 2017 09:31 AM

I just Googled Plantation Florida and I see it is near the East coast of FL.

Good luck to you. It sounds very scary.

charline September 7, 2017 09:34 AM

Marsha, please get out of Irmas way !!!
As the hurricane was on french territories, we have those horrible pictures all day long on television. Makes me cry even more by the thought that you and your family could be among the victims and get hurt. Please take your dog and leave...

guruofgardens September 7, 2017 09:44 AM

Marsha, please listen to Charline - get out of Irma's way. We'll be praying for your safety.

ginger2778 September 7, 2017 10:29 AM

Thank you everyone so much I appreciate your concern. With all due respect go where? And go how? The interstates are now a bumper to bumper parking lot and will stay that way. Gas is very hard to come by. Airline tickets are not possible to get. Still weigh less airline tickets then there are passengers that want them. Couldn't take a dog that big on the airline anyway.
We are Floridians and with all due respect this is not our first rodeo so to speak we know how to prepare because we do this every few years. It's not something you ever get used to but you do learn how. I'm not too worried we're not near the coast and things should be okay our house is very sturdily constructed. Again I want to thank all of you for your deep and heartfelt concern and it really warms me to know that you care so much.

charline September 7, 2017 10:37 AM

Yes, not easy to take a decision. But it is a 5/5 hurricane!
Please be very careful and stay as safe as possible.

charline September 7, 2017 10:57 AM

Nowhere to go?
Marsha, I am sure you just have to call for help and a tomatovillian will take you in. We are family...
I would...

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