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wmontanez July 19, 2012 04:07 PM

Azul Toro
I got one Azul toro clone from Wingnut this year since so much talk about this potato I couldn't resist getting one. This plant is the first dying down. It has been just 80 days in the ground. It bloomed but not berries. I planted it next to Negate and Red Ox with some other gifts from Wingnut this year. I am very curious to see the yield but it is the earliest so far, earlier than Angus Bull. I am trying to separate the 'early' from 'late' and their growth habit like 'compact' or 'sprawling' to plan better what to plant next to what.

Anybody growing this one, is your experience the same?

wingnut July 19, 2012 11:29 PM

I am harvesting quite a few that popped up in last years bed, and a buch planted out early as "sprout jacks" they are med sized with darker flesh than last year. By the way the ANGUS BULL you sent me is a beautiful plant, and am very excited to harvest it...but need to finish useing it as a pollen donor!

wmontanez July 20, 2012 08:50 AM

Yes, I like Angus Bull is a compact plant very a strong stem (mine were single stem). I was surprised last year with the size of the tubers being so early. I am glad you have it as it has so many good qualities. Hash browns with this potato was very good. It should be an early one, next month I am starting to harvest the first group ~90 days.

wmontanez July 24, 2012 11:55 AM

This one was early about 80 days from planting... could have be in the ground another week but :twisted: I got carried away and dug it. The size is 2.5in long by 1.5in wide, got 1 pound from one tuber planted, rain irrigated, poorly hilled this year :(



Taste underway....

wmontanez July 24, 2012 01:15 PM

I boiled one, really nice color, the skin stays put, cook fast, taste is really nice just boiled.
Maybe works in a potato salad after removing the skin.

Here is Azul toro next to La Pan2 and Amey.

I mashed one piece, the texture is grainy, flavor was good.
I fried one, not good, it turn dark, is hard and the skin turn ugly.

Medbury Gardens July 24, 2012 03:50 PM

I like the look of that Azul toro Wendy,more red than purple isn't it !!

wmontanez July 24, 2012 03:53 PM

It is kind of reddish purple not blue when look at it raw but cooks to a nice blue color almost solid not quite, darker than other I have

meadowyck July 24, 2012 05:06 PM

What a beautiful potato. So is it best as a boiled potato?

wmontanez July 24, 2012 06:17 PM

I still have to bake one and roast one piece and maybe make a hashbrown to see if it comes out better. I compare it to the best on each category from last year.

Boiled: Skagit Valley Gold
Fry: Marcy
Baked: Amey Russet
Mashed: Amey Russet
Hashbrown: Angus Bull
Roasted: Red Thumb, Skagit Valley Gold and Yukon Gold
Salad: Red's from the store, Azul Toro

wingnut July 24, 2012 10:32 PM

I like it best baked with butter/sourcream/bacon bits, as it is a real floury spud. I find it hard to not overcook when I boil them.

wmontanez July 24, 2012 10:46 PM

Doug, I was lucky my first try I boiled for about 7mins and did the fork test... seen ok, skin intact.
I am trying one baked to see... it was more grainy than Amey which is really smooth as mashed potato. Maybe I sent you that one, try it baked then mashed wow!

wingnut July 25, 2012 12:16 AM

There are two ways I find work good for all poatatoes baked and in stews. I love baked potatoes, and even the waxy ones get done eventually! As for stew either they keep their shape or they don't, usually use a mix of waxy and floury potatoes.

wmontanez August 3, 2012 04:30 PM

I tried one microwave baked too and compared to Amey and Magic Molly that stay moist. I think Azul Toro it was drier but flavor is excellent.

wingnut October 5, 2012 12:29 AM

Mine succumbed early to late blight in one location, and seemed to yield less than last year in another. Weather was PERFECT for late blight though, and drought conditions in my garden was responsible for alot of yield loss at least.

muffin October 13, 2012 08:33 PM

so where can I get this one?
[B]I love color...this one looks like it could be a nice one to add to my garden!!!

Blue Russian MOVE OVER;)

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