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carolyn137 April 21, 2018 01:19 PM

Carolyn/Shawn 2018 Germination Reports
Let me make some suggestions on how we would like to see the data reported. It's very important to list the seed age and the total number of seeds planted per variety and how many of those how many germinated.

If you want to describe how you germinate seeds, how long it took,what mix, etc., that's fine too.

So a report might look like this:

Snowdrop (2016), 3/6 germinated
Trillium (2017, 6/8 germinated
Lily of the Valley, (5/8 germinated

Yes, I do expect that with a given variety there will be some who will get zero germination, it always happens, while others with the same seeds get good germination.

So it's a good way for folks who participated to see those reports and know something might be wrong with results of specific varieties with no to low germination and start asking why.

And indeed there may be some seeds for some varieties that weren't so good and I and others need to know that as well,such as the persons who sent the seeds. Just remind yourself of all the many different sources for seeds that there were in the recent seed offer/

We very much appreciate the feedback since we send some of the same seeds to certain seed sites for trial and if there's a problem we want to be able to tell those seed site owners what the problems are.

We've received lots of great new varieties from many countries and actually from everywhere, and they ask me for some of my varieties, that is, we exchange. And they need to know where problems might be as well.

I know that most of you in warmer climes have already started your seeds, but those in the northern climes don't usually start seeds until about early April, some as late as early May so I try to put up this germination thread in the middle of seed starting time.

Thanks all,

Carolyn and Shawn

bower April 21, 2018 02:52 PM

4 Attachment(s)
I sowed Helio and Samorodok on March 25th. Four of each were up by March 30 and potted up to cell packs. After a week with no further germination I moved the tray off the heat mat but continued to keep it moist. A late Helio appeared on April 3rd, but no others.

Final germination results:
Helio (2016) 5/10
Samorodok (2016) 4/10

This is about half the germination rate I got with other tomato seeds this year using the same potting mix and methods. My setup shown below: seeds are spread out in a large cell and then covered with a few mm of soil.. I mist them heavily then and put them on the heat mat, enclosed in a bakery clamshell. I open the container twice a day to check that the soil is moist and to ensure fresh air. Most germinate and shuck their seeds in 3-5 days. I keep them misted until they shuck their seeds, as this seems to help.

Final pic is the seedlings with their true leaves. They are all RL as expected. Disregarding the two seedlings at the far left (another variety), the four in front are Samorodok and those behind are Helio. One of the Helio's had a bad helmet and lost most of cotyledons in my effort to remove it.. oops... that one did not survive.
I am keeping one of each Helio and Samorodok, and the extras have been given to my friend for her farm greenhouse.:) Will be growing the other varieties next season. Thanks Carolyn and Shawn for sharing these seeds with me! :D

walt456 April 21, 2018 07:36 PM

I planted all 6 varieties I got on March 22. I planted them along with 30+ other varieties that I really wanted to keep an eye in the house using a seed starter greenhouse on a heat mat. I had great germination with all but 4 of the varieties in that greenhouse. That's just the way it goes sometimes and I've got more than enough tomato plants so no big problem there. All in all I'd call it a great success. I can't wait to see how these taste. Thanks so much for sharing these with me.

Here's my germination report:

Gallego (2016) 0/6
La Grosse A Lulu (2017) 2/7
La Nanesse (2017) 3/8
Leon Noire (2017) 1/7
Malinovaya Zebra (2017) 0/6
Gigante Castilla (2016) 0/9

pondgardener April 21, 2018 08:31 PM

I started 30 cells of tomato seeds with multiple seeds in each cell on 3-26-18.

The two varieties from Carolyn and Shawn's offer and germination rates are:

[B]Alice's Egypt[/B](2016) (1/6 germinated in 5 days)

[B]Sakharnyi Gigant[/B](2016) (2/6 germinated in 5 days)

The remaining varieties germinated in 5-8 days with 75-100% germination and all were separated and transplanted in 12 oz cups successfully. I am about 3 weeks from safely planting outside. All the plants are receiving plenty of sunshine and wind exposure for about 8-12 hours a day, weather permitting.


carolyn137 April 22, 2018 11:17 AM

Is anyone planning to update what happens after 5 days, as most are reporting so far?

I ask since I know that the way I used to sow seeds not all for a single variety came up at the same time. No matter how hard I tried to be gentle when watering the seeds, some got put deeper in the seed starting mix,but almost always came up later.


pondgardener April 22, 2018 05:18 PM


When I am preparing seed cells, I fill each cell with moistened seed starter mix, tamp it lightly, leaving a space about an eighth of an inch from the top. I spread the seeds on top and add enough starter mix to fill the cell completely. So the seeds are set about the same depth. But as you suggest, seeds will germinate (or not) at their own pace. So I wait at least a week to see what else will come up before I split up the seedlings into their own container. So in the case of the two varieties I started from the seed offer, what germinated took 5 days and nothing came up after that.


kevinrs April 23, 2018 12:25 AM

Alice's Egypt (2016) 4/10 germinated
Bulgarskoye Chudo (2015) 2/10 germinated
Father (2015) 8/8 germinated
German Johnson Benton Strain (2016) 4/10 germinated
Sgt Pepper's (2016) 3/8 germinated
Son (2015) 4/10 germinated
Zolotaya Kanareyka (I don't see a year) 8/8 germinated

I germinated in micro soil blocks, in a tray on a heat mat at 75 F, covered by another tray until they sprout.

MrBig46 April 23, 2018 01:52 AM

Seeds of germ are placed on top of the substrate. The keys appear in three to five days. Then the seeds include the substrate.

Reinhard´s Purple Heart.. 3/4
Reinhard´s Chocolate Heart... 3/4
Reinhard´s Green Heart... 0/10

ContainerTed April 23, 2018 10:55 AM

Changes in other than black letters
Seeds arrived in excellent condition. Envelope was pristine. As requested, I planted almost all of them. Here's where they are right now. (BTW, I have 96 varieties in the mix this year.)

I have two cells with seeds older than 12 years that have good germination. So, results show viability factors quite well.

[COLOR=blue]My seed starting medium is always MG Seed Starting Mix.
At the 15 day point.

Alice's Egypt - 3 of 9
Bulgarskoye Chudo - 2 of 13
[COLOR=darkred][COLOR=blue]Father - 3 of 9[/COLOR]
[/COLOR][COLOR=darkred]Grandma Oliver's Chocolate - 0 of 8[/COLOR]
La Grosse a Lulu - 2 of 6
That Russian Tomato - 2 of 7

Not really good

in the same flats, I had the following results from seed I had saved and some from a few other folks.

Big Orange Volunteer - 3 year old seed - 19 of 20
Stick - 8 year old seed - 4 of 5
Merced OP - 4 year old seed - 6 of 6
Mischka - 6 year old seed - 5 of 5 (Got these from Carolyn)

I need to get some Grandma Oliver's Chocolate to try again. Anyone who can send me a few, i'd really appreciate it. I have lots to trade. Tell me what you might need. Thanks in advance.

rxkeith April 23, 2018 12:12 PM

seeds were planted in sunshine seed starter in plastic 6 or 9 unit cells. i get a compressed bail, and use it over several years. planted five seeds of each variety initially. after 10 days started the remaining seeds after seeing what germinated. i placed the planted seeds in a large empty plastic spinach container, the kind you buy in the produce section of your grocery store. works good for an incubator. they were placed underneath our wood stove to germinate. warm area, not too warm.

all seeds were planted 8 or 9 seeds of each variety. here is what happened.

alices egypt 4 germinated, 2 helmet heads, 2 plants repotted

bulgarskoye chudo 3 plants

colgar papuo zero germination

honey and sugar 1 plant

novosadski jabuchar zero germination

reinhards chocolate heart 4 plants

Reinhards purple heart 1 plant

i typically have lower germination with seeds from our seed offers. i don't know why that is. just an observation.

started in the same manner, i have 14 year old seeds that germinated with no special treatment. those ones are a red field cherry cross that came out of craigs north carolina garden most were weak helmet heads, but i have 3 plants growing from this rediscovered project.


habitat_gardener April 23, 2018 01:56 PM

Seeds started 3/29 in EB Stone Seed Starting Mix on heat mat loosely covered with plastic. All seeds used.

Colgar Papuo (2016), 0/7
Gallego (2016), 0/7
Leon Noire (2017), 6/7, first ones sprouted on 6 Apr (8 days). 5 seedlings survived
Reinhard’s Purple Heart (2016), 2/9, took 7 days, none survived
That Russian Tomato (2017), 1/5, took 7 days, none survived
Volovsko Srce (2016), 1/8, took 7 days, none survived

As mentioned in another thread. I started a total of 24 varieties in this seed starting mix and had only 6 varieties survive (plus 22 survivors out of 24 more varieties started in DE).

SueCT April 23, 2018 07:26 PM

Surprised by so many reports of poor germination, but I did not fare much better. I planted all my seeds on 3/27/18 and just turned off the mat this afternoon, uncovered them and officially gave up on the ungerminated ones, lol.

German Johnson Benton Strain 3/9 germinated
Michaela's Pink 3/8
Gallego 4/13
Papa Kearns 2/8
That Russian Tomato 1/8 germinated (Maybe 2/9)
Bulgarskoye Chuoo 3/9

That makes my overall germination rate right around 30%

That Russian Tomato had 1/8 seeds germinate that I was positive about. As luck would have it, the one stray seed I found that I believe to That Russian Tomato, also germinated. Since I can't be certain, I labeled it with a question mark. I gave these seeds over 3 weeks on a heat mat lightly covered with plastic wrap and checked them twice a day to see if they were drying out and sprayed them if necessary. Several days ago I top watered wondering if the mix a little lower down had gotten too dry, and the seeds may be too deep to be getting the moisture I was spraying on top. Still nothing more germinated. If I should do anything else before tossing them, let me know. I did have one seed of ML that I saved, and it germinated after more than 2 weeks, but just that one seed.

seasyde April 23, 2018 07:47 PM

Pappy Kerns 1/4 germinated.
Started 3/14; 1 germinated 3/21; potted into solo cup 3/31
Kept the other cells moist/warm until 4/11 hoping for late germination, but no luck.

SueCT April 23, 2018 08:38 PM

Seasyde, not sure I understand you posts. Are those rates of germination or dates of germination? Did you only have one variety and a total of 4 seeds planted?

seasyde April 23, 2018 08:46 PM

SueCT -
Yes, I only received one variety (Pappy Kerns) from this seed offer (I started about 15 other varieties at the same time.) Planted 4 seeds on 3/14. One was up on 3/21, and this one got potted up on 3/31. Although I kept waiting and hoping more would germinate, none did.

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