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gflynn March 11, 2009 11:48 PM

Tomato List For This Year
So I finallized my list for this year. Much of this will make it to MAGTAG but some will probably not. As we all know timing is everything!

Old Stuff:
1. Dr. Carolyn Pink
2. Emily
3. Taxi
4. Sungold
5. Black Cherry
6. White Current
7. Cherokee Green
8. Prue
9. Cherokee Purple
10. Little Lucky

New Stuff:
11. J.D.'s Special
12. Persimon
13. Momotaro
14. Odoriko
15. Isabel Pink
16. Berkley Tye Dye Pink
17. Yellow Cookie X Cherokee Green F2
18. White Current X Cherokee Green F1

There are others that I may plant in other gardens but I will not mention them since I am not sure I am growing them but I am starting 32 variaties in all.

Crosses planned for this year (maybe if they work!):
1. Persimon X Sungold
2. Berkley Tye Dye Pink X White Current
3. Persimon X White Current
4. Prue X Little Lucky

And others....

What are you planting?


Adenn1 March 20, 2009 01:12 PM


Nice list...I hope to set time aside this weekend to finalize the list. I went through my seed collection and picked out about twenty-five varities...need to bring that down to about 12-15.

I just got my snap peas in the ground two days ago. It was really nice to get back into was a long winter. My son (5) and daughter (3) did most of the work. Was a treat to see how they enjoyed the work.

gflynn March 20, 2009 09:34 PM


Good to hear from you. Bring your kids along this year so mine can play with them :-) I will be bringing 5 this year; Emily 9, Isabel 7, Sophia, 5, Dominic 3 and Natalie 1.

Lots of my new seeds arn't germinating. I am going to have to order some.


Adenn1 March 23, 2009 09:34 AM


I do want to bring my kids to MAGTAG at some point...but this trip is my "get-away" trip to have 48 hours of some peace and quiet. I try to catch up on sleep and some reading when I come to Baltimore.

Sorry to hear about your germinating problems...can I send you anything to help out?

I did not get any time this weekend to do seed work. I took the kids into Philly on Saturday to see a play and then do some shopping. Sunday was cleaing/laundry/"honey-do" day.

gflynn March 24, 2009 06:24 AM


I can relate with the get-away trip. Right now, I would say my wife could use this more then me. She seems stressed! I usually get out with friends once or twice a month but not lately. I don't want Luanne to go nuts :))

My germination problems are not to much of a problem. The only variaty I will be missing this year is J.D.'s Special. That's a shame but what can you do. Most of the stuff that isn't germinating can be replaced.

I usually start 30 some varieties and only grow 19 of them so I will have replacements.

Adenn1 March 30, 2009 10:23 AM

Okay...I did get some time to sit down with the seeds this weekend. Below is the list I have come up with so far that I will be starting for myself and my neighbor:

Rhoades Heirloom (Bi-color)
Arkansas Traveler
Black From Tula (Tom Trees version)
Hugh's Yellow
Red Barn
Earl's Faux
First Pick
Ananas Noir
Box Car Willie

I started the Siberian and First Pick...and these are going out in the garden earlier than the rest. Going to put these in the ground on May 1st...the rest will go in between the 14 and the 21st. Maybe I will have a tomato by the 4th of July!

gflynn March 31, 2009 11:37 AM

Nice list. Good to see some new names

Cecilia_MD7a March 31, 2009 12:49 PM

I'm at work today, so this list only contains the varieties my chemo-addled brain can remember at the moment. I've starting many more varieties than I can grow myself (I'm limited to a dozen plants, plus maybe a few more in containers if I can sneak them past my DH), but I hope to give some away to friends who will probably attend MAGTAG 2009:

Mid-Atlantic Collection:

Greater Baltimore

Old Favorites:

Lemon Boy
Black Cherry
Brandywine Sudduth's
Cherokee Purple
Black Krim

New for Me:

Russian Black (not Black Russian)
Polish Dwarf
Cherokee Green
Hungarian Heart


Paul Robeson
Cherokee Chocolate
Japenese Trifele

It's gonna be tough narrowing down the list and deciding which ones actually go into my own garden.

Adenn1 April 6, 2009 07:51 AM

That's a nice collection Cecilia...interested in how well your Mid-Atlantic tom's do.

I got all of my seeds started this I have to wait and see how some of the older seeds do.

tjg911 April 7, 2009 01:00 AM

i'm trying 6 new varieties this year, 5 of the 6 are hearts.

old favorites:
aunt gertie's gold
cherokee purple
earl's faux
prue (2 plants in 1 crw cage)
sun gold

jeff davis
linnie's oxheart
monomakh's hat
nicky crain
reif red heart
tsar kololol


gflynn April 7, 2009 01:10 PM


Good to see you expanding your menu :-)

let me know if you find anything special.


Cecilia_MD7a April 8, 2009 01:18 PM

Since my doc put me under "house arrest" this week because of an upper-respiratory infection, I've been spending more time in the basement with my tomatoes. I've noticed something strange going on with the earliest toms I planted in late February. Some of the seedlings, like Lemon Boy and Church, are HUGE - I've moved them into yogurt cups already, and will have to put them in larger pots soon. Others that I started on the same day - Paul Robeson and Sungold, for instance - are still in their seed-starters and are very small. This is especially puzzling with Sungold, which is usually vigorous. I'm sure that by next month they'll be growing like weeds, but I don't understand why, with the same conditions and soil, they haven't taken off like the others. Oh, well - at least they germinated, which is more than I can say about Black Cherry - I think I only have one plant out of 20 or so seeds.

I'm a little miffed about the Sungolds, though, as everybod loves 'em and I've promised plants to a lot of people. The "Mid-Atlantics" are all coming along fine, though.

newatthiskat April 8, 2009 08:28 PM

Cecilia-hope you are feeling better soon! Has to be scary with such a lowered immune system. Get plenty of rest!!!

tjg911 April 9, 2009 12:16 AM


Good to see you expanding your menu :-)

let me know if you find anything special.


will do! i'm hoping to find 7 good new tomatoes out of the 7 new varieties i'm trying this year. hearts are so good that i expect some of the hearts to make my tier I list and that's a tough club to join. jeff davis sounds like it might be very good. i got the seeds from polar lace a few years back in trade for prue. i never tried them as i always had others i wanted to try but decided to give jd a shot this year.

who knows, maybe another dr. lyle? ;) i got that one from you greg.


Cecilia_MD7a April 9, 2009 02:08 PM

Kat, thanks for the good wishes! Actually, I feel pretty good - I'm just going stir-crazy inside this place!

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