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Woodchuck March 25, 2009 12:34 PM

The disaster that is Park Seeds!
I'm fuming!

I placed an order with Park Seeds a little over 4 weeks ago..just 9 items.
When I placed the order I specifically asked if everything was in stock and was assured that nothing was on backorder and EVERYTHING would ship promptly.

I called 2 times after a 2 week wait and was told each time that the order would ship soon and nothing was on backorder!

I called again yesterday. I was told again that the order was being processed and nothing was on backorder.

Well, today I checked the online status to find that 2 items have allegedly shipped and 7 are on backorder. I called to confirm, yup, 7 items backordered!

I was intentionally lied to and I'm NOT a happy camper!!


I should have checked the BBB and other reviews before ordering! They have received hundreds of complaints!



tjg911 March 25, 2009 01:07 PM

i won't be buying from park again.

county fair cuke seed is hard to find and park sells it. i ordered county fair and some non trellis edible pea pod peas for a friend the 3rd week in october. i threw away all the documentation so off the top of my head -

got the cuke seeds in 2 weeks no peas.

mid nov was told i'd have the peas by thanksgiving

in early decemeber was told i'd have the peas by christmas

in mid january was told i'd have the peas by the 4th week in january

in early february was told i'd have the peas by march

the peas arrived in the last week in february

i was ready to cancel the order and ask for the money paid for postage and the cuke seeds to be refunded but i wanted those peas for a friend as i'd have to find them and pay postage somewhere else.

i'm done with park.


tomatoaddict March 25, 2009 03:29 PM

Wow.... I am fuming at Park seed myself. I ordered their bio sponges over a month ago. Nothing was on backorder. Then I get an email thanking me for the order and told it would be shipping soon. Two weeks later....nothing. I wait another week and in the meantime I have tomato seeds that needed sown "right now". Finally after 3 weeks, I call and am told that they are on backorder. I lost it. I asked the girl why the status wasn't marked as backordered when I made the order? ..."she doesn't know". Then I ask why they didn't mention that in the email they sent?. Again... "she doesn't know". So, trying to keep calm I ask...When do you expect them in?... She says she "doesn't know". Then I'm really ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫ed. I say " you mean you have no way of finding out when they will be in?" and she says NO.
I told her to just cancel the order. Didn't even phase her. She just says.. OK. No apology, nothing.
Park seed isn't the cheapest place around. They charge a lot more than many places. You would expect for the extra coin you pay they would bend over backwards to make you happy.:explode:

travis March 25, 2009 04:29 PM

I've ordered from Parks Seeds for years without a problem.

Last year they back ordered the Bush Celebrity, but then everyone else was either out or back ordered as well on that variety. I eventually got what I ordered.

Other than that, Parks has been prompt and complete with all my orders over the years and I have never had a germination problem with their seed.

pooklette March 25, 2009 07:45 PM

I stopped ordering from them a few years ago. Plants I bought were DOA and their customer service was useless in the matter. The next year, foolishly I thought, "Well if I only order seeds, I'll be fine." I have no idea what possessed me...let's just blame it on spring fever.

It took over a month for my seeds to arrive yet they charged my credit card for them immediately...I was even charged for the ones that were out of stock. The seed counts (per pack) were WAY off and germination was disappointing. I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous.


glypnirsgirl March 25, 2009 09:48 PM

Yep --- me too
This is my first year to start my own plants from seeds. i did not order seeds from Park, but I had researched various seed starting methods and the bio-dome system got high marks. I ordered the starter set - bio-dome, sponges and a heat mat --- a package deal. Biodome and sponges arrive with no problem. No heat mat. I wait a week. No heat mat. I order a heat mat from Ferris Morse. No heat mat for another week. I order another one from ebay. The ebay mat arrives promptly and I finally get to start my seeds --- two weeks late. ARGGHH. Then the Ferry Morse heat mat arrives - the day after the ebay one. Two weeks later --- 6 weeks after inital order, the Park mat arrives. The good news is that the biodome is great.

But I think I am going to try the dense planting method that I read about here.

I wanted to try lots of varieties and I only started 48 seeds --- which my husband objected to because there is no way we have room for even 8 tomato plants. I told him we would give the extras away. We had almost 100% germination. Only the Brown Berry and Aunt Ruby's German Green were total failures (I only planted 3 seeds of each). So the bio dome really worked.

But now I have all these seeds for next year.


goodwin March 26, 2009 12:06 AM

My Park order arrived one or two packets at a time. Of course, some got here too late to sow. It must have cost those folks a fortune in postage, but I have a lot of nice bubble mailing envelopes now, and everything did arrive eventually. Sounds like they had some supply problems.

GIZZARDFARM March 26, 2009 10:52 AM

I ordered from Tomato Growers Supply and Baker Creek the last two years GREAT companies and GREAT germination rate. I tried to order from Vermont Bean and Seed this year but got the run-a-round, seems they cant tell you if something is in stock or not and how long it will take to get next year im sticking with Baker and 2 cents...Gizzard

travis March 26, 2009 12:27 PM

Check out Gourmet Seeds International. Great stuff and great service. Nice folks to talk to on the phone too.

feldon30 March 26, 2009 06:57 PM

If they are having supply problems or are just totally booked, they should do what did and just shut down until they can handle more orders.

ctx00978 March 26, 2009 07:27 PM

Yeah. I placed an order on 2/24 and most of my order just shipped telling when the rest will ship. I can certainly understand being busy, but the lack of communication is inconsiderate of their customers. They do know, after all, that alot of these items are needed w/i a certain time frame in the spring. I ordered some flower seeds, mirai corn seeds, county fair cukes, snap peas that were out of stock at Johnny's, and such. Now, some of these items aren't a problem, but others definitely are....I already puchased sugar snap pea seeds locally because I needed to plant them. They're definitely not my favorite place to shop, but they carry a few things I need. I guess the lesson I learned is to order from them much earlier in order to be guaranteed delivery on time. Does that make it right? No. But it is what it is. :)


Polar_Lace March 26, 2009 11:01 PM

That's why you [U][B]DO[/B][/U] need to order in January! Even by late December! I've started to place my orders in October since I now live in Texas. I got 99% of the seeds I ordered. Only 2 varieties were on back order.

Speaking of Park's Seeds.... ALL of my seeds came "AS Ordered" 2007, 2008 and 2009. In a timely manner.... 1 week! :surprised: :)

~* Robin

Woodchuck March 26, 2009 11:27 PM

[quote=Polar_Lace;125489]That's why you [U][B]DO[/B][/U] need to order in January! [/quote]


PARKS needs to update their internet software to reflect inventory and NOT intentionally lie to customers! If Parks can't handle internet orders in an honest way, they shouldn't be taking internet orders! Honesty is always the best policy! If Parks can't respect customers enough to show common courtesy, customers should and will go elsewhere!

At the rate they are going, there will be no Park Seeds!

I've ordered from Parks since 1979, the Parks of today is a disaster! They're ruining their name!


Sherry_AK March 27, 2009 03:02 AM

I placed an online order w/Park Seed a few years back for some non-seed items. I was billed a surcharge of $12 for shipping to Alaska, which was not displayed when I checked out. I never found, even later, any fine print which would have warned me of that. I expect I could have disputed it through my credit card company, since I definitely did not authorize that amount, but instead I've just never ordered from them since, nor will I ever again.


creister March 27, 2009 03:46 PM

I've had great service from Casey's Heirlooms of Airdrie, TGS, Sandhill, Heirloom Seeds, Harris Seeds and Victory.

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