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tam91 March 9, 2011 07:39 AM

Where to sell extras?
I'm not really growing for market, this just seemed perhaps the best spot to put my question.

As a complete newbie to seed starting, I think I got a little over-enthused - in my eagerness to make sure I got one of each variety, I planted extras. I'm having great success - and I will probably have LOTS of extras. I'll give some to friends, but I don't think I'll have enough friends.

I was wondering how I might be able to sell off my extras for a few bucks? I'd hate for them to die, and as I bought all the shelves, lights, etc. this year it would be nice to recoup a little of that. Can I just put a table by the roadside with a sign I wonder?

Any ideas?

Tom C zone 4/5 March 9, 2011 07:41 AM

Craigs list might be one place to offer your extras.

Wi-sunflower March 9, 2011 08:53 AM

There have been several threads here about what people do with their extras. Tho probably not in the market forum.

For a first timer, a table in the driveway and/or Craigslist would probably be the easiest and cheapest way to go.

If you have a local flea market that is reasonably priced, you could try that. But you might be best if you go there as a customer first to see what your competition would be and if your plants would be as good or better. But don't forget that often flea market customers just want bargains and don't care that you have great varieties.


stormymater March 9, 2011 10:34 AM

I second Craig's List - had precisely your experience 3 or 4 years ago. Used Craig's List & now have an annual driveway sale. This year I have to get the yard sale "permit" ($1) & adhere to no more than 2 yard sales a month, 4 a year, due to my middle aged neighbor's BF (think "Young Frankenstein") who seems to think the entire cul-de-sac is his driveway (which I understand based upon his demonstrated driving ability after much exposure to 2 carbon fragments).

Anyway Criag's list & Yard sale work super well for my extras. Oh, I donate mine also (it's my charitable giving) - average 1500 - 1700 plants a year to local churches, community gardens, teen centers, after school programs, county wellness programs, even a local county jail (think tax deduction for whatever amount you sell a plant for). Last year our local big box stores were selling tomato plants in 4 inch pots for $3.49 each. I sold plenty at $2 apiece. Covered the costs of my addiction well.

Try it, you will like it!

fortyonenorth March 9, 2011 10:53 AM

I've never used Craigslist, so I can't speak from direct experience. However, there was a thread here or on one of the other garden forums where someone listed their tomato plants for sale on CL and then had them all stolen. I'm sure that's the rare exception, but just wanted to raise it as a possible concern.

tam91 March 9, 2011 10:53 AM

Craigs List sounds like a good idea - is that a listed weekend for a yard plant sale then? Or just people call, and come whever? (I've never used it before)

I wasn't so concerned with getting a bunch for them, I was thinking $2 also. I just didn't want them to go to waste. I don't think we have a lot of community gardens etc. here to donate to, at least not that I'm aware of.

Sorry if this was the wrong forum, I wasn't sure if it belonged in general, so took a guess. Mods are of course welcome to move this, if they wish.

tam91 March 9, 2011 10:54 AM

[quote=fortyonenorth;203727]I've never used Craigslist, so I can't speak from direct experience. However, there was a thread here or on one of the other garden forums where someone listed their tomato plants for sale on CL and then had them all stolen. I'm sure that's the rare exception, but just wanted to raise it as a possible concern.[/quote]

Stolen? How were they stolen? You mean someone just snuck into their yard or something?

Stepheninky March 9, 2011 11:14 AM

[QUOTE=tam91;203729]Stolen? How were they stolen? You mean someone just snuck into their yard or something?[/QUOTE]

I remember reading that thread and yea if memory serves they listed or gave out the address and someone stole the seedlings from their yard.

I also might do the same as you. I live in a smallish subdivision off a major rd with two churches one on each side. So I am thinking of just posting a sign at the end of the road. Might even organize a neighbor hood garage sale and offer the plants that way.

tam91 March 9, 2011 12:26 PM

Ugh. Mine would be a bit more interesting, as I have a big fence and big dogs. But I guess thieves are pretty creative.

I'll have to see what the county regulations are on selling stuff roadside - I'm not within city limits.

platys March 9, 2011 01:05 PM

I bought a number of plants off craigslist last year, and it worked really well. For one person, I met up with them at Wendys where we did the exchange. For everyone else, I just met at their home. If you are concerned about safety, I would go with a neutral meeting place. That way, they don't have your address.

Gobig_or_Gohome_toms March 9, 2011 01:05 PM

Here is the thread from last year on Craig's list:

linuxman51 March 9, 2011 01:33 PM

[quote=stormymater;203726].....driving ability after[B] much exposure to 2 carbon fragments[/B]).

sorry for the slight OT, but I can't figure out where you're going with this comment. Seems like a reference maybe to excessive drinking but I can't get a straight answer from the oracle of google :lol:


tam91 March 9, 2011 01:50 PM

Wow. Ok, I think maybe not Craigslist. I'm not going to drive around and meet people to sell a couple plants, I'm afraid that isn't worth it to me. I'll see, maybe just a roadside stand some days. I could chain my gate shut at night then, and my dogs would bark if someone came near probably.

JackE March 9, 2011 02:49 PM

The Wal-Mart parking lot is where everyone goes around here - plants, puppies, veggies, whatever. Just set up a simple card table or something - or just sell them out of your trunk - out on the edges of the parking lot where people drive by and your not blocking traffic or anything, and you'll probably sell them all in an hour. If you make a habit of it - like everyday, set-up something elaborate or get in the way, the mgr might have to run you off - but that's all, just ask you to leave.

This is a small town, though, with a smaller WM store, where everybody knows each other - things may be more formal where you are.

I'll be up monitoring the temperature from 1:00 AM on tonite and, especially, tomorrow night. I'll turn-on the sprinklers if it dips to 35, but this front is pretty dry and I don't expect frost. The NWS is calling for five degrees colder than Accu-Weather - I guess they're using different forecast models. We planted Monday - the forecast was better then (40) but the front is stronger than expected. Pray for us! :-)


stormymater March 9, 2011 02:56 PM

I advertised the date, time & address of tomato sale on Craig's list - never had a problem with theft from my driveway (knock wood) but I too have dogs who guard & would never let an unattended someone into the driveway w/o raising a ruckus (day or night).

2 carbon fragments - C2H6O (ethanol) Brings out "the best" in some folks (not)

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